last updated 30 Nov 2010
We meet on the third Friday of each month, September to May, in the Dixon Hall of the Letherhead Institute, High Street, Leatherhead for our lecture programme.
The October meeting is the Dallaway Lecture, our annual prestigious event, held in memory of the Rev. Dallaway, a noted 19th century Leatherhead clergyman and academic who was vicar for thirty years and published the first history of the town in 1821. At all meetings, Members pay £1 - the same for visitors, who are most welcome. Coffee is served at 7.30pm, the lecture is at 8pm and we aim to finish around 9.30pm.
Visits and walks take place during the Summer on a monthly basis. Lectures are a mix of local and wider topics, whilst some of the visits and walks are arranged around an earlier lecture. The diary below includes events and talks taking place elsewhere which may be of interest to members.
As usual during the year Society members give a number of talks to other local groups and societies and we lead walks around less familiar parts of Leatherhead during MVDC Heritage Weekends.
We are always looking out for potential speakers for our lecture programme.
The Chairman of the Programme sub-committee would welcome offers and suggestions - enquiries in the first instance to the Lectures Secretary via the Society's email address . A Windows laptop and computer projector can be provided at the talk, under the supervision of a qualified member of the Society.
Members of the Society are willing to consider giving talks to other local organisations and groups.
Last year the Society circulated a list of talks on a wide range of topics available to local societies seeking new speakers. Many organisations have taken advantage of this facility. The list of subjects has since grown and there are now over thirty subjects to choose from. This news has been released to the local press and those who apply will be put in touch with members of the speakers panel, enabling them to make contact and discuss dates, times and fees.
Here is a random selection from the list of the talks that are on offer:
Cooking and Washing in Victorian Times - Ice before Refrigerators - Ashtead Farms - Air Travel in the 1930s - The Famous and Infamous of Leatherhead - Bygone Fetcham - Bygone Great and Little Bookham
Anyone who has a contact with another society in Leatherhead and the surrounding district might wish to mention to them that the full list is now available. This gives advice on how to contact the presenter of each talk. They should write to the following address and the list will be sent.
Talks on Offer c/o Leatherhead and District Local History Society, Leatherhead Museum, 64 Church Street, LEATHERHEAD, Surrey KT22 8DP, or email your request to
Leatherhead High Street, showing the original Swan Hotel
2011 Programme and Calendar
Dr. Fred Meynen - Programme Secretary: 01372 372930
This calendar includes Leatherhead Museum events and activities.
Fred is also Chairman of the Friends of Leatherhead Museum.21st January The British Computer Industry by Martin Warwick
Martin Warwick was Manager of Advance Computer Development with ICL and has seen the development from simple calculating engines to the giant commercial systems of today. He is editor of the History Society's newsletter.
18th February Guildford Past and Present by Phillip Hutchinson
Phillip Hutchinson is the Senior Custodian of Guildford Castle Keep . He has published several books about Guildford and is a popular tour guide