Ashtead War Memorials - WWI
The Rouquette Brothers, Arthur and John
The parents of these two men, Henry Seymour Rouquette [b. 11 March 1849, Marylebone] and Katherine Civil née Thurburn [b. 3 June 1854], were married in Paddington during the summer of 1885. In 1881, Henry had been described as a banker but during the following year he commenced business as a merchant in partnership trading as Rouquette, Huddart and Co. of 35 Finsbury Circus.
By 1889 the firm was in severe financial difficulties that led to bankruptcy. A long illness followed resulting eventually in the death of Mr HS Rouquette of [Highfields House, Highfields,] Ashtead, second son of HP Rouquette deceased, at Mayes House, Banffshire on 2 August 1914.
His widow does not appear to have moved to Claverton, Woodfield Lane, Ashtead until the 1920s.
At least the two sons whose names appear on Ashteads War Memorial were sent to Berkhamsted School [now Berkhamsted Collegiate School].
Lt Commander Arthur Prestwich Henry Rouquette RN
HMS Grafton
Arthur [b. reg. Kensington June Quarter 1888] went off to join the Navy as a Clerk and during 1908 served in that capacity aboard both the Hermes and Prince George.
He was promoted to Assistant Paymaster on 1 March 1909 but is designated Secretarys Clerk in HMS Tamar, 20 May 1910. By the time he died on Grafton, a large Cruiser, 15 November 1918, he had risen to Acting Paymaster with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. The cause of death was an unspecified illness, possibly Spanish flu. because the influenza pandemic was then at its height.
2nd Lieut John Hector Rouquette
1st Bn, The Queen's (Royal W Surrey Regt)
John was a younger son whose birth was registered at St Georges, Hanover Square, for the September Quarter 1893. It remains unclear when he volunteered for the 1st Battalion, The Queens (Royal West Surrey Regiment) but he would have found himself in France shortly afterwards. A vivid account of the battle, West of High Wood, near Bazentin, in which he and four other officers lost their lives, may be read in the Battalions War Diary for 15 July 1916.
Berkhamsted Collegiate School, Remembrance: [new link to be found]
The Queens (Royal West Surrey Regiment):
text: Brian Bouchard: if you can add to this page please contact the editor
page added 11 Feb 2009: 25 Feb 14