Earlier Leatherhead Museum news items can be found by referring to past issues of the Newsletter in the Archives section of this website
About the Friends
Museums and Art Galleries usually enjoy the support of a 'Friends' organisation and Leatherhead Museum is no exception.
Our contribution to the success of our museum is both practical and financial. The 'objects' as set out in our constitution are: -
(a) to help in the upkeep of the Leatherhead Museum
(b) to assist the Museum committee and the Curator to stage displays of local history
(c) to publish from time to time, as appropriate, news items of the Friends activities,
(d) to help publicise the Museum and
(e) to foster interest in museums and display techniques and other related activities.We are active in all these fields but perhaps the greatest debt that the museum owes to the Friends is the provision and organisation of Stewards.
Our Stewards are volunteers willing to give their time in order to help visitors to the the museum during opening hours. We are always glad to hear of local people who might wish to get involved in this interesting task; it involves only three hours per month.
The Friends make every effort to bring about an increase in the numbers visiting us. We publicise the museum in every way possible, also sponsoring local initiatives and building links with local firms and local schools.Other activities include organising training sessions for stewards, social activities such as coffee mornings (which also help to bring in funds) and an annual visit to a place of historic interest.
Membership There is always a warm welcome for new Friends, whether they live close by or are distant 'well wishers'. The annual subscription is £3 (£5 for couples).
To join The Friends please print off the application form and send it
with the appropriate cheque to The Membership Secretary,
Friends of Leatherhead Museum, 64, Church Street, LEATHERHEAD, Surrey, KT22 8DP.
Friends of Leatherhead Museum during an outing to Amberley Working Museum. SOUTHDOWN No. 11 bus formerly operating in the Worthing area.
NEWS FROM THE FRIENDS OF THE MUSEUM from the Society's December 2017 Newsletter
As well as the usual hours, the Museum was open on the Sunday of Heritage Weekend and we were pleased to welcome plenty of visitors. Our main summer attractions were the Craft Afternoons on 11, 18 and 25 August. The weather was kind apart from a heavy shower on the second day. Attendance improved each time with a grand total of 152 visitors. Young people just outnumbered mums, dads, child- minders, nannies and au pairs.
The photo booth was busy thanks to mobile phone cameras as well as the graffiti wall. None of this would have been possible without the help of a great team. Lin Hampson, Debby Humphreys and Diana Rogers delivered flyers to two schools and handed out leaflets in the town centre prior to the event. Zen George advertised the event in the Ashtead & Leatherhead Local and Cathy Brett designed posters and flyers and gave valuable advice.
Dorothy Stapleton, Monica Farnell, Jane Tickner and Robin Christian worked hard to make the events a success. Three of Robin`s friends from Horsham - Suzanne Page, Craig Bunce and Debra Thurley - performed the roles of Frank and Hilda Hollis and a maid. They said they thoroughly enjoyed the experience and looked forward to returning next year. Thanks to everyone, including the stewards on duty.
Pearl Kew who recently died and was well known to many of you, left us her father`s WW1 medals. Her god-daughter, Pamela Drew, came to the Museum on 22 September with Pearl's neighbour, Eileen Palmer, to hand them over. Pam also brought many very interesting old photos and other mementos to be featured in an exhibition next year.
Diary dates: The Museum closes on Saturday, 9 December and will reopen on Thursday, 5 April with the official opening on 7 April. Visits from a school and a Cub group have been booked for next year. More of that later.
A social evening for all stewards and Museum workers will be held from 7 for 7.30pm on Monday, 4 December in Room G6 at the Letherhead Institute.
Many thanks to you all for your support.
Gwen Hoad