Streets and Roads
Great Bookham - High Street

The High Street, Great Bookham can be viewed via Street View in Google Maps by clicking here

For information about the 1950 edition of Kelly's referred to below please click the Kelly's link on the left of your screen,
also for LUDC 1950 and LUDC 1965/67.
To add images or text or to correct this page, please contact the Streets and Roads editor.

LUDC 1950: High Street, Great Bookham: photo CJ Beddous

from Kelly's 1950 Directory - private addresses have mostly been omitted below

From Lower road to Guildford road.
East side.

The Old Crown P.H. (Geo. Bull)
Cameron David, fruitr
Donaldson (D. Cameron, propr.), outfitter

Davies Jesse, ladies’ hairdrssr
Brackenbury Herbt
Brackenbury H. & Sons, bldrs

Allman Hy. F. E. estate agt
Jackson’s Granaries, corn mers. Phone, Bookham 281

Tanner Wm. A. café
Perry Mrs. M. A. baby linen
Warrell Stephen & Sons, butchers

High Street
Kelly's 1950

Hewlins Wm. R. Ltd. chemists

35 High Sreet

LUDC 1965/67

WR Hewlins Ltd (C Crabtree PHc FBOA)
Chemists and Opticians
35 High Street Bookham
Agents for Coty, Yardley, Revlon, Max Factor, Gala, Continental Cosmetics, Old Spice etc
All types of Photographic Equipment supplied
Also at 1 The Street, Effingham

LUDC 1965/67

Donner Bernard F.S.M.C., D.Opt. Ophthalmic optician
Absolom E. confctnr
Absolom A. T. grocer

High Street
Kelly's 1950

Fox C. J. butcher

LUDC 1965/67

Visit CJ Fox
Bookham High Street
and buy Meat which has been specially selected for you from local farms, including our own.
Your own individual requirements studied and we Deliver to all parts of the district.
LUDC 1965/67

West side.

Lloyds Bank (C. Smith, branch manager)
Hide Wltr. Jas. L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental surgn
Wright Kenneth L.D.S.Glas. dental surgn
Yelverton Adml. Bentinck Davies C.B. (Mead ho)
Hanson Mrs. M. baker (Burpham)

High Street
Kelly's 1950

Smith-Walker Mrs. E. K. grocer

LUDC 1950

Walker Smith
Proprietor: Mrs EK Walker Smith
Bookham's Oldest Established Stores
Provisions, Groceries, Wines, Spirits
Hardware, China, Greengrocery
Famous over half a century for High Class Goods
LUDC 1950

Stemp Jas. & Sons, saddlers
Stevenson Sidney Geo. beer retlr

Drake H. E. grocer
Hotel Victoria (C. R. Parrish). Phone, Bookham 2474 
please advise where the following fit in the listing above:

LUDC 1965/67: Victoria Furnishings

LUDC 1965/67: Ray Heeting Co Ltd

LUDC 1965/67: CL Pearce & Sons

LUDC 1965/67: Eve

last updated 23 Jun 20