Leatherhead & District Local History Society
The three main supporters of the Leatherhead Museum are
the Friends, the History Society and the Leatherhead Museum and
Heritage Centre Trust.
The Friends recruit, organise and train the stewards. They organise visits to schools and visits from schools, and they arrange publicity.
The History Society owns the museum's collections, and arranges the exhibitions. It encourages interest in local history through its meetings and publications. This helps to bring visitors to the museum. The Society pays for the heating, lighting, water and telephone.
The Trust owns Hampton Cottage, the home of the museum. It is responsible for the maintenance and insurance of the museum.
The Trust has a problem. Hampton Cottage was bought in 1976, restored and endowed by an enthusiastic, generous and hardworking group. The endowment is still in place but it produces far less income than it used to do. Interest rates have fallen steadily in the last 30 years. In the meantime the costs of maintenance and insurance have greatly increased.
It is now time to ask the present generation of history lovers to provide additional funds in order to secure the museum for future generations as the stalwarts of the 1970s secured it for ours. In order to obtain grants from outside bodies, we need to show that we have significant support from our members, so please be generous.
If any of our members has experience in identifying and approaching grant making bodies, we would be grateful for their advice and help.
Please contact me :
John Morris, Treasurer to the Trustees, 01372 36 25 24.